Full Name
Christine Vaccaro
Speaker Bio
Christine Vaccaro represents over 4000 students as Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns (CAPSI) President. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Christine completed a BSc in 2018 and is currently a 4th-year PharmD student at the University of Manitoba. Christine had the unique opportunity to see pharmacy practice evolve throughout her life. Growing up as the daughter of a pharmacist, and working in a pharmacy since high school, she saw the impact that scope of practice changes had on patients and communities. This drew her to pursue a career in the profession.

Today, Christine is an avid researcher, passionate advocate for pharmacy team member wellness, and promoter of STEM outreach. She's held roles on CAPSI National Council, the Pharmacists Manitoba board, and now as CAPSI National President, where she is a powerful voice for Canadian students and the profession.
Christine Vaccaro