We are excited to announce the call for nominations for the Skilled Trades Ontario Award of Excellence. This award recognizes the valuable contributions the award recipient has made to encourage and support trade certification among apprentices, promoting the value of certification within the skilled trades.

The Skilled Trades Ontario Award of Excellence nominee will have demonstrated commitment to safety, equity, diversity and inclusion in the apprenticeship system.

The eligible nominee must:

  • be employed in a position directly related to one or more of the skilled trades in Ontario (e.g., safety and human resource professional, post-secondary instructor, employer, union, association representative, etc);
  • be nominated by two (2) references - at least one (1) nominator must have (or have had) a working relationship with the nominee, and no more than one (1) nominator may be a relative of the nominee;

The nominee will have distinguished themselves during their career through one or more of the following:

  • Promotes the value of apprenticeship and certification within the skilled trades and is a strong, vocal advocate for the trades
  • Participates in activities that encourages, motivates, and promotes safety, dedication and passion within the workplace
  • Demonstrates qualities of outstanding leadership in safety, skill expertise, team building and collaboration
  • Serves as a mentor and/or role model for success for young skilled tradespersons

Award recipients will be announced at the Ontario Apprenticeship Summit 2024 on November 6, 2024, at the Toronto Congress Centre and celebrated through STO social media and communication channels.

Recipient selection: Skilled Trades Ontario Award of Excellence nominations will be reviewed by the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors will affirm their recommendation.

Nomination Deadline: September 30, 2024